It's four straight weeks of nothing but Uncanny X-Men, New Mutants and X-Factor as we ramp of for "Fall of Mutants", the next big X-Men crossover. Though it should be noted that both X-Men and X-Factor had two issues on sale in September of 1987 (X-Men #224 & 225 and X-Factor #23 & #24) while New Mutants only published one (#59), so there will be no New Mutants issue the first week of March (instead, we'll be looking at the X-Men's guest appearance in Incredible Hulk #340, which takes place between issues #224 and #225).
On Sale June 1987
February 5th: Uncanny X-Men #221
February 6th: New Mutants #56
February 7th: X-Factor #20
On Sale July 1987
February 12th: Uncanny X-Men #222
February 13th: New Mutants #57
February 14th: X-Factor #21
On Sale August 1987
February 19th: Uncanny X-Men #223
February 20th: New Mutants #58
February 21st: X-Factor #22
On Sale September 1987
February 26th: Uncanny X-Men #224
February 27th: New Mutants #59
February 28th: X-Factor #23
ReplyDeleteOn Sale June 1987
I like this. I know you might not be able to stick to it strictly when annuals or events are involved, but I like it.
@Blam: Thanks. Yeah, I already figured I'd have to skip over it the weeks we're doing annuals/tie-ins/what have you, but figured it was worth doing regardless. If nothing else, it's an additional check that the timeline I've worked out is still accurate relative to the original on sale dates. :)