Talking about comic books, TV shows, movies, sports, and the numerous other pastimes that make us Gentlemen of Leisure.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

X-amining Deadpool #5

May 1997

In a Nutshell
Deadpool's healing factor is restored, after which he must decide the fate of Doctor Killebrew.

Writer: Joe Kelly
Penciler: Ed McGuiness & Kevin Lau
Inkers: Nathan Massengill
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: Matthew Pain
Editor: Matt Idelson
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras
Separations: Digital Chameleon

In the wake of the gamma infusion, Doctor Killebrew declares that while Deadpool won't be quite as invincible as he was previously, he will make a full recovery. Happy to hear it, Deadpool plots his next move: killing Killebrew. Meanwhile, at the Hellhouse, Weasel is telling a story about Deadpool when T-Ray angrily enters, declaring his intent to kill Deadpool, whom he finds deeply annoying. His rant is interrupted when a new job comes over the wire; T-Ray is the only one of the mercs willing to take it. Back at Killebrew's house, Siryn appeals to Deadpool's better nature, and convinces him to let Killebrew live. Deadpool tells the doctor to seek out his other victims, and help them like he helped Deadpool. Back at the X-Mansion, Deadpool admits his feelings for Siryn. She tells him she's too busy leading X-Force, but believes he's on the right path, and they may have a future together. Elsewhere, T-Ray finishes his job, then sets his sights on Deadpool. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

X-amining Excalibur #109

 May 1997

In a Nutshell
Spiral brings Excalibur into the fight against the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn

Writer: Ben Raab
Penciller: Salvador Larroca 
Inker: Scott Koblish
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Kevin Tinsley
Separations: GCW
Editor: Matt Idelson
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Nightcrawler is working on getting Excalibur's own Cerebro up and running while checking in with Moira's research into the Legacy Virus. Meanwhile, Colossus, Kitty and Wolfsbane discuss Amanda's sudden departure. Suddenly, they hear an explosion. Kitty phases up to the next floor to discover Nightcrawler and Wisdom battling Spiral, who has arrived with an unconscious Meggan. As the fight with Spiral continues, Meggan wakes up and rushes to help Spiral just as Nightcrawler seemingly traps her. Meggan explains that Captain Britain is in trouble and they need Spiral's help, but the rest are reluctant, given Spiral's villainous history. Spiral explains how she was pressed into service by the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, who are holding Captain Britain. The team reluctantly agrees to leave with her, and the group teleports away. Meanwhile, Captain Britain is being tortured by the Dragons, who tell him he will be the catalyst which will unleash the Crimson Dawn upon the world. Captain Britain vows to himself to hold on until he can learn what happened to Meggan, despite the pain. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

X-amining Domino #1-3

Jan - March 1997

In a Nutshell
Domino battles Pierce and the Reavers for the life of her former lover!

Writer: Ben Raab
Penciler: David Perrin
Inkers: Harry Candelario
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Mark Bernardo 
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Issue #1: In a hidden government facility, Milo Thurman is watched over by Henry Peter Gyrich. Given that Thurman's usefulness involves his ability to predict future events with uncanny accuracy, Gyrich is angry that he didn't pickup on a specific recent event. Meanwhile, Domino is enjoying the Carnival in Rio when she is attacked by the diminutive Pico. After defeating him, she is visited by Puck, who tells her that Milo — with whom Domino was once close — is in trouble. Interrogating Pico, she learns where Milo is being held, but after fighting her way to his cell, discovers he is gone; in his place stands Lady Deathstrike. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

X-amining X-Force #66

May 1997

In a Nutshell
X-Force chases after Risque in search of Warpath. 

Writer: John Francis Moore
Penciler: Adam Pollina
Inker: Mark Morales
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Marie Javins & Team Bucce
Editors: Mark Powers
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Having delivered Warpath to Sledge, Risque races through the Wackyworld theme park, pursued by X-Force, who want to know what she did to their teammate. Meanwhile, Domino is accosted at JFK airport by federal agents. Back in Wackyworld, Caliban catches up to Risque, but then experiences another seizure and collapses. Risque stops to help him, which allows the rest of X-Force to catch up. In Detroit, Warpath awakens and meets Sledge, who tells him he needs a favor. In exchange, he offers Warpath information that will lead to the truth about the massacre of his tribe. Later, after Risque brings X-Force to Sledge, Warpath tells them everything is under control, but leaves Risque behind when the team departs. Meanwhile, Domino is brought before SHIELD commander GW Bridge, who tells her he needs her help extracting an undercover agent: Dani Moonstar! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

X-amining Generation X #27

May 1997

In a Nutshell
Bastion tries to convince Jubilee she is the last X-Man to get intel on the team. 

Writer: Scott Lobdell
Penciler: Chris Bachalo & Pop Mhan
Inker: Al Vey & Scott Hanna
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Marie Javins & Doctor Martin
Editor: Bob Harras

Bastion interrogates a captive Jubilee, trying to extract information about the X-Men and their location by weakening her psychic defenses by claiming the X-Men are dead or captured. Meanwhile, Emma probes Banshee's subconscious mind hoping to find clues as to the whereabouts of their students; something she sees reveals to Banshee where they are, and he flies off. Back at the headquarters of Operation: Zero Tolerance, Daria, Bastion's aid, grows concerned over Bastion's treatment of Jubilee. However, Jubilee continues to rebuff his efforts, even infuriating him to the point that he inadvertently reveals information about himself. Enraged, he drops the charade and simply beats Jubilee, leaving her alone to ponder her decisions. As he walks out, a bloodied Jubilee declares that she sure showed him... 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

X-amining Cable #43

"Broken Soldiers"

May 1997

In a Nutshell
Cable's personal philosophy is highlighted in a pair of parallel stories set millennia apart. 

Writers: Todd Dezago with Brian Vaughn

Pencilers: Randy Green and Chap Yaep

Inker: Scott Hana

Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft

Colorist: Mike Thomas

Editor: Mark Powers

Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

A group of Askani disciples in the present day ask their mentor for a tale of their savior, the Chosen One: Cable. He proceeds to tell of an adventure from Cable's past, set in the far future, in which Cable risks his own life to save his Clan Chosen troops in a battle against Apocalypse's New Canaanite soldiers, only to argue for mercy when his forces emerge victorious, saying to kill in cold blood is Apocalypse's way. As the mentor explains that Cable's morals are what will bring them salvation, Cable finds himself embroiled in a similar conflict in the present day, helping rescue a young mutant from an angry mob, only to turn and prevent the mutant from killing his attackers, saying vengeance leads to darkness. Meanwhile, Jean Grey-Summers broods over the fact that she must tell Cable that his mother — Madelyne Pryor-Summers — has returned to life.