Talking about comic books, TV shows, movies, sports, and the numerous other pastimes that make us Gentlemen of Leisure.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

X-amining X-Men (vol. 2) #64

May 1997

In a Nutshell
The X-Men, Kingpin, and Sebastian Shaw faceoff over the Elixir Vitae. 

Plot: Scott Lobdell
Script: Ben Raab
Pencils: Carlos Pacheco 
Inks: Art Thibert
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Chris Lichtner, Aron Lusen & Liquid Color
Editor: Bob Harras

The X-Men confront Wilson Fisk, the former Kingpin of New York crime, who has control over the Elixir Vitae now that he's the CEO of Fujikawa Enterprises. When Wolverine threatens Fisk, he reveals that he's captured Cannonball, and threatens to inject him with an experimental Legacy Virus vaccine. Meanwhile, Sebastian Shaw infiltrates the Fujikawa building. Upstairs, Cyclops tries to reason with Fisk. The villain refuses to hand over the elixir, as he plans to use it in the same way as Shaw, to create a Legacy Virus cure and corner the market for it. But Fisk does release Cannonball as a peace offering. Elsewhere, Bastion taunts a captive Jubilee. In Hong Kong, Shaw confronts Fisk and the X-Men. Fisk calls in his Si-Fan ninjas. But before violence erupts, Storm calls down a bolt of lighting, destroying the Elixir Vitae rather than risk it falling into Shaw or Fisk's hands. Later, as the X-Men are flying home, Jean is suddenly hit by a burst of psychic energy just as their plane is attacked by Operation: Zero Tolerance. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Transformers #1 (September 1984) – The Commercial, Not the Comic

Gene Kendall returns again -- I guess I threatened to do this, so here we are. Having exhausted the known archives of animated G. I. Joe commercials for the Marvel series, it does make a certain amount of sense to cover the other Marvel/Hasbro collaboration of the day, those wily robots in disguise.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

X-amining Wolverine #113

"The Wind From the East"
May 1997

In a Nutshell
Wolverine battles a possessed mime over a mysterious box.

Script: Larry Hama
Pencils: Leinil Francis Yu 
Inks: Edgar Tadeo
Letters: RS & Comicraft
Colors: Joe Rosas
Editor: Mark Powers
Chief: Bob Harras

Inside his apartment, Wolverine battles the possessed mime who attacked him. During their fight, the mysterious box Wolverine was given to protect by Zoe Culloden falls to the floor. It triggers a memory in Wolverine, of the first time he saw the box, years ago in Shanghai, after he saved an old man and his younger companion from members of the Japanese army led by Ogun. Outside, Helen approaches Wolverine's apartment, intent on apologizing for brushing him off. But when she sees Storm and Jean Grey, arriving to check on Wolverine, she holds back. As Jean and Storm enter the apartment, they interrupt the mime and briefly incapacitate him, allowing the entity possessing him takes control of Jean. When the possessed Jean telekinetically hurls a knife at Storm and Wolverine jumps in front of her, taking the knife instead. the act of selflessness briefly confuses the entity. This allows Jean to reassert control of her mind, forcing the entity to flee. It leaves the apartment, and passes into Helen, still waiting outside. Elsewhere, Daimon Hellstorm, the Son of Satan, spies the box in his scrying crystal, and decides to take action. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

X-amining X-Factor #134

May 1997

In a Nutshell

Writer: Howard Mackie
Penciler: Eric Battle
Inker: Art Thibert, Sam Parsons & Hackshack Studios
Letterer: Richard Starkings/Comicraft
Colorist: Glynis Oliver
Separations: GCW
Editor: Kelly Corvese
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Anxious to get at Forge's hidden files, General Bowser downloads data off a CD-ROM confiscated from Forge. Instead, he infects the government's computer systems with a virus that gives Forge access to their files. Now properly positioned to continue their work free from government oversight, X-Factor sets out on their next mission, locating Mystique's young friend, Trevor Chase. Meanwhile, Guido awakens from his coma, and demands to see someone from X-Factor. Later, Bowser returns home to find X-Factor waiting for him, looking for Trevor. Back at the hospital, a federal agent almost tells Guido about X-Factor's apparent demise, but then Guido gets sedated in order to prevent any further damage to his heart. Back at Bowser's house, Trevor calls to X-Factors from upstairs. Mystique rushes to his side, and he tries to warn her just as two monstrous creatures crash through the walls. X-Factor manages to fight them off, but they escape with Bowser. Unbeknownst to X-Factor, the monsters were created by Trevor, and he seems to have set his sights on them next. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

X-amining X-Man #27

May 1997

In a Nutshell
Nate probes the true intentions of Havok's Brotherhood

Writer: Terry Kavanagh
Penciler: Roger Cruz 
Inker: Bud LaRosa
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Jaye Gardner 
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Nate joins Havok and his Brotherhood on a mission to rescue Aurora from aboard a Department H train. Hanging back, due both to his diminished powers and his uncertainty about the Brotherhood's true intents, Nate only intervenes in the conflict to stop one of Department H's soldiers from killing everyone. Claiming the soldier's weapon-laden gauntlet for himself, Nate returns with the Brotherhood and the rescued Aurora to their base below Manhattan. There, Havok shows Nate to a meditation chamber containing a device which will help Nate access his locked away abilities. Shortly thereafter, Nate is able to levitate himself. Exploring the base further, he discovers a stash of deadly gas cannisters that were traveling with Aurora. Realizing getting the gas was the true objective of the mission, not rescuing a fellow endangered mutant, Nate confronts Havok. Reading his mind, Nate confirms Havok isn't brainwashed and truly believes in the Brotherhood's mission. But he also discovers the Brotherhood's secret member, his world's Dark Beast. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

X-amining Uncanny X-Men #344

May 1997

In a Nutshell
The X-Men battle the Phalanx for the fate of the Shi'ar Empire

Writer: Scott Lobdell
Guest Penciler: Melvin Rubi
Inkers: Joe Weems with Scott Hanna, Marlo Alquiza, Harry Candelario & Tim Townsend
Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colors: Steve Buccellato
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

With the Phalanx already in control of the Shi'ar royal palace, the X-Men arrive to rescue Lilandra. They realize the Phalanx are targeting the hatchery, home to the next generation of Shi'ar. Rogue dispatches Bishop and Deathbird to defend it, while Beast works to devise a way to separate the Phalanx techno parts from the organic ones. On Earth, Senator Kelly meets Henry Peter Gyrich at the Hulkbuster headquarters of Operation: Zero Tolerance. Despite his own anti-mutant sentiments, Kelly is growing concerned about the amount of power Bastion has amassed. Back at the Shi'ar palace, Bishop and Deathbird grow closer as they defend the hatchery. At the palace, the sight of all the dead Shi'ar triggers Joseph's memories of the Holocaust, and he attacks, blowing the X-Men's cover. Rogue and Gambit join the fray after him, until Beast succeeds in shutting down the Phalanx. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

G. I. Joe #88, July 1989 (The Commercial, Not the Comic…The Final One)

Girl, each time I try

I just break down and cry

Pain in my head

Oh, I'd rather be dead

Spinning around and around

Although we've come

To the end of the road

Still I can't let go

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

X-amining Excalibur #108

April 1997

In a Nutshell
Captain Britain & Meggan battle the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn!

Writer: Ben Raab
Penciller: Salvador Larroca 
Inker: Scott Koblish
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Kevin Tinsley
Separations: GCW
Editor: Matt Idelson
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

On Muir Island, Nightcrawler and Colossus playfully fence with each other. Afterwards. Amanda Sefton approaches Colossus, telling him that she's leaving Excalibur for personal reasons she can't share with anyone, especially Nightcrawler. Meanwhile, in London, the The Dragons of the Crimson Dawn continue their attack on Captain Britain. Back on Muir Island, Wisdom receives a strange email, after which he's harassed by Kitty about acquiring proper superhero attire. Elsewhere in the complex, Wolfsbane expresses her concern over Moira's work habits to Douglock, before departing with Kitty for Ireland. They have a hair appointment with the highly sought after Molly Fitzgerald. In London, Meggan regains consciousness, and is able to help Captain Britain defend himself. Watching nearby is Spiral, who is reminded by the Dragons that she is now one of them, and teleports everyone away but herself and Meggan. Confronted, Spiral assures Meggan she's no friends of the Dragons, and Meggan suggests they head to Muir Island for help. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

X-amining X-Force #65

"Lower East Side Story"
April 1997

In a Nutshell
Adam Pollina returns as Warpath & Risque are attacked by Blob & Mimic!

Writer: John Francis Moore
Penciler: Adam Pollina
Inker: Mark Morales
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Marie Javins
Separations: Team Bucce
Editor: Mark Powers
Editor-in-Chief: Bob Harras

Risque visits Warpath at the X-Mansion, before the pair head into New York City, much to Siryn's dismay. As Warpath probes an evasive Risque for more information about her past, they arrive at a club in the East Village owned by a friend of Risque's. Inside, Warpath tries to get more info about Risque from her various acquaintances. Back at the X-Mansion, Siryn & Shatterstar practice in the Danger Room before being distracted by the sound of piano music. They follow it to find Caliban mysteriously playing like a virtuoso; as the rest of the team gathers around him, he suddenly has a seizure and collapses. Back at the club, Risque worries that she's getting too close to Warpath, just as she's approached by her mysterious boss, who tells her two others have arrived to finish the job she started. Just then, Blob and Mimic attack the club, trying to capture Warpath. He and Risque manage to fight off Blob & Mimir, but Warpath is angry about her obvious connection to them. She takes him to an apartment nearby. After Warpath assures her he'll stick by her as long as she's honest with him, she offers him a drink laced with a tranquillizer that knocks him out, thereby completing her mission. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

X-amining Generation X #26

April 1997

In a Nutshell
Jubilee tries to escape from Bastion while her classmates try to survive at sea!

Writer: Scott Lobdell
Artists: Joe Bennet & Joe Pimentel
Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft
Colorist: Marie Javins
Editor: Bob Harras

Adrift on a chunk of vegetation in the middle of the ocean after escaping from Black Tom, Chamber, M, Husk, Skin and Synch fight to stave off the effects of exposure and find a way to reach land, to no avail. Meanwhile, back at the school, Banshee mourns the death of Emma and desperately tries to find his missing students. Elsewhere, Jubilee manages to knock out the Operation: Zero Tolerance guards holding her, but when her powers overreact and seriously injures one of them, she stops to make sure he's okay, much to a watching Bastion's confusion as this delay leads to her recapture. Back at the school, Emma revives following another psychic encounter with Nightmare, revealing to Banshee that she was only faking her death and their students are still alive. 

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

G. I. Joe #80 - November 1988 (The Commercial, Not the Comic)

Nobody beats G. I. Joe

Over the land and deep down below

Cobra BUGGs got an eye out for Joe

Nobody beats G. I. Joe

A Real American Hero!