Tuesday, April 30, 2019
X-aminations in May 2019 & December 1994 Power Rankings
Reality has been wiped clean; now it's time for the Age of Apocalypse!
After another trading card set and some additional promotional material, of course.
May 1: Unstacking the Deck: Marvel Flair Annual '95
On Sale January 1995
May 8: X-Men Alpha #1
May 15: X-Men - Year of the Mutants Collectors Preview
May 22: X-Men Chronicles #1
May 29: Astonishing X-Men #1
May 30: Factor X #1
May 31: Weapon X #1
Monday, April 29, 2019
G. I. JOE # 16 - October 1983 (The Commercial, Not the Comic)
Major Bludd is a dangerous foe
Trained by Destro,
the enemy of G.I. Joe
G.I. Joe a real American hero
Fighting Cobra and Destro
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Game of Thrones 8x02: A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Opening Credits Map
Last Hearth -> Winterfell -> King's Landing
Well, I hope you like Winterfell because we're going to be staying here for a while. I also hope you like dialogue because there's not going to be any action. And I hope you like character reunions because there's plenty of those. I also hope you like discussions on who characters were, how they've changed, and the long road it took for them to get where they are because if you do, this is the episode for you!
Let's get started. We first start with Jaime standing trial in front Daenerys, Sansa, and Jon Snow. Daenerys is pissed at him for killing her father (even though he was insane) and Sansa is pissed that he attacked Ned Stark. They're both pissed he didn't bring a Lannister army with him.
Bran is there too. However, he doesn't spill what he knows. Jaime says he regrets nothing and would do it all over again. Way to have introspection and improve yourself Jaime.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
To Better Know a Hero 2.0: The Avengers
There's a little film called Avengers: Endgame coming out this week (maybe you've heard of it?); I wrote a To Better Know A Team post for the Avengers ahead of the first movie, all the way back in 2012, so I figured they were due for an update. But I'm going to try a different approach by highlighting some specific areas of history/lore. If people seem to like this, I may do something similar for other characters/teams in the future.
Top 5 Avengers Characters Without Their Own Solo Series
(For the purposes of this exercise, I'm excluding Hawkeye from consideration on the basis of his run in Solo Avengers and his recent solo series, but if you think that shouldn't make him ineligible, then consider him #1 on this list).
Friday, April 26, 2019
X-amining Cable #20
"An Hour of Last Things"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
As the crystallization wave approaches, the X-Men confront the impending end of reality.
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Guest Artist: Ian Churchill
Guest Inkers: Bud LaRosa with Barta & Carani
Lettering: Starkings/Comicraft
Colorist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Lisa Patrick
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Cable returns from the past, uncertain what happened. Xavier uses his telepathy to confirm that Cable made contact with the X-Men in the past and warned them about Legion, but there's little left for the X-Men to do in the present but wait. Lilandra contacts Xavier, telling him about galaxies being obliterated by the M'Kraan Crystal, and warning him that the crystallization wave will hit Earth in about an hour. With their apparent end near, Cyclops & Phoenix decide to tell Cable they were Redd & Slym, the couple who raised him, something Cable admits to having figured out already. He then goes to Domino, and they declare their feelings for one another before kissing. As the crystallization wave approaches, Xavier gathers the X-Men around him, telling him he will miss them all terribly. With that, reality crystallizes, then shatters, and Xavier's dream of peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants dies with it.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
As the crystallization wave approaches, the X-Men confront the impending end of reality.
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Guest Artist: Ian Churchill
Guest Inkers: Bud LaRosa with Barta & Carani
Lettering: Starkings/Comicraft
Colorist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Lisa Patrick
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Cable returns from the past, uncertain what happened. Xavier uses his telepathy to confirm that Cable made contact with the X-Men in the past and warned them about Legion, but there's little left for the X-Men to do in the present but wait. Lilandra contacts Xavier, telling him about galaxies being obliterated by the M'Kraan Crystal, and warning him that the crystallization wave will hit Earth in about an hour. With their apparent end near, Cyclops & Phoenix decide to tell Cable they were Redd & Slym, the couple who raised him, something Cable admits to having figured out already. He then goes to Domino, and they declare their feelings for one another before kissing. As the crystallization wave approaches, Xavier gathers the X-Men around him, telling him he will miss them all terribly. With that, reality crystallizes, then shatters, and Xavier's dream of peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants dies with it.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
X-amining Avengers #47-49 - Patreon First!

Dec 1967 - Feb 1968
In a Nutshell
Magneto returns to Earth and sets about reuniting his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
Writer: Roy Thomas
Pencils: John Buscema, George Tuska (issue #48)
Inks: George Tuska
Letterer: L.P. Gregory (issue #47), Artie Simek
Editor: Stan Lee
Issue #47: Magneto & Toad return to Earth thanks to the inadvertent efforts of scientist Dane Whitman, nephew of the criminal Black Knight. Magneto quickly overpowers Dane and his lab assistant, taking Dane's castle for himself, then sends a coded message to Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch, determined to reunite his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. When Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch learn Magneto has returned, they attack him, but Magneto easily overpowers & captures both. Issue #48: Donning his uncle's old gear and winged horse, Dane escapes from Magneto, intent on warning the Avengers about his return. But the Avengers, thinking Dane is his uncle, attack him. Eventually, he convinces the Avengers he's not his uncle, and takes them to his castle, only to discover that Magneto has abandoned it. Issue #49: Magneto brings Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch to an island he's raised in the Atlantic, telling them he intends to petition the UN to make the place a sanctuary for mutants. Wary of Magneto but intrigued by the idea, Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch agree to go with him to the UN. There, his petition is denied, and when the UN attempts to throw him out, he attacks. The Avengers arrive and join the fight, during which Scarlet Witch is grazed in the head by a bullet fired by one of the UN guards. Unbeknowst to Quicksilver, Magneto directed the path of the bullet, as this was his plan all along: trigger a confrontation that would ensure Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch's loyalty. Enraged that humans tried to murder his sister, Quicksilver renounces the Avengers, and retreats with her alongside Magneto, who tells him he is once more Quicksilver's true friend. tells him he is once more Quicksilver's true friend.
What to read the rest before everyone else? Become a patron via Patreon!
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
X-amining Generation X #4
"Between the Cracks"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Banshee and the kids battle the Orphan Maker
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Penciler: Chris Bachalo
Inks: Mark Buckingham
Letterer: Starkings & his Craftsmen
Hues: The Bucce and his Crayons
Head Reindeer: Bob Harras
Santa's Favorite Helper: Tom DeFalco
Attempting to take a field trip, Banshee, M, Skin, Synch & Jubilee are waylaid by a police roadblock. Nearby, a disfigured boy named Eliot has taken a teacher and some students hostage at a local school which refused to allow him to attend on account of being a mutant, prompting the police standoff which closed the roads. At Xavier's School, Chamber attempts to make friends with Penance, while Paige studies the Grotto's schematics. Meanwhile, the rest of Generation X arrive outside the hostage situation. As M and Skin keep an eye on the cops, Jubilee works her way into the crowd and decides to sneak into the school, while Synch attempts to lock onto Eliot with his power. Instead, he draws out the Orphan Maker, waiting nearby to kill Eliot's parents. As the rest of the group battles Orphan Maker, Jubilee gets inside the school, just as Eliot lets all the kids free, the teacher having died, his heart giving out from the excitement. Jubilee realizes he's just a scared kid, and Synch confirms he's not even a mutant. Orphan Maker, disgusted by Eliot's parents failing to fight for him, breaks off the fight, deciding Eliot is already functionally an orphan. Skin notes the irony of Eliot being treated like a mutant without having any of the benefits, as Banshee insists Eliot was one of them, albeit one who fell between the cracks, just as reality crystallizes around them.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Banshee and the kids battle the Orphan Maker
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Penciler: Chris Bachalo
Inks: Mark Buckingham
Letterer: Starkings & his Craftsmen
Hues: The Bucce and his Crayons
Head Reindeer: Bob Harras
Santa's Favorite Helper: Tom DeFalco
Attempting to take a field trip, Banshee, M, Skin, Synch & Jubilee are waylaid by a police roadblock. Nearby, a disfigured boy named Eliot has taken a teacher and some students hostage at a local school which refused to allow him to attend on account of being a mutant, prompting the police standoff which closed the roads. At Xavier's School, Chamber attempts to make friends with Penance, while Paige studies the Grotto's schematics. Meanwhile, the rest of Generation X arrive outside the hostage situation. As M and Skin keep an eye on the cops, Jubilee works her way into the crowd and decides to sneak into the school, while Synch attempts to lock onto Eliot with his power. Instead, he draws out the Orphan Maker, waiting nearby to kill Eliot's parents. As the rest of the group battles Orphan Maker, Jubilee gets inside the school, just as Eliot lets all the kids free, the teacher having died, his heart giving out from the excitement. Jubilee realizes he's just a scared kid, and Synch confirms he's not even a mutant. Orphan Maker, disgusted by Eliot's parents failing to fight for him, breaks off the fight, deciding Eliot is already functionally an orphan. Skin notes the irony of Eliot being treated like a mutant without having any of the benefits, as Banshee insists Eliot was one of them, albeit one who fell between the cracks, just as reality crystallizes around them.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
X-amining X-Men 2099 #16 - Patreon First!

January 1995
In a Nutshell
Loki transforms into Halloween Jack, and reunites with Meanstreak.
Writer: John Moore
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Harry Candelario
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Colorist: Tom Smith
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Chief: Tom DeFalco
In Las Vegas, on orders from Desdemona Synge, the Rat Pack targets the suspected leader of a gang of thieves that has been robbing casinos, who turns out to be the would-be Asgardian god, Loki. Meanwhile, Krystalin arrives in Oakland for her father's funeral. Back in Vegas, Desdemona interrogates Loki with a bio-electric device that interferes with his genetic modifications, triggering a painful transformation that allows him to break free and escape. At Zhao's complex, Fitz & Cerebra train together as they discuss plans to confront the Theater of Pain. Outside, Luna attempts to make peace with Meanstreak, but she's attacked from behind and knocked out. Meanstreak battles her shapeshifting assailant, who turns out to be Loki, Meanstreak's old friend Jordan Boone, having taken a new form as Halloween Jack. He tells Meanstreak he's hoping Meanstreak will join him for a little fun, and help him take over Las Vegas.
What to read the rest before everyone else? Become a patron via Patreon!
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Game of Thrones 8x01: Winterfell
Opening Credits Map
Last Hearth -> Winterfell -> King's Landing
Daenerys had once says that she wants to break the wheel. If that’s the case the she’ll have to break Game of Thrones because this show is coming full circle!
Force in Focus: Star Wars #91
"Wookiee World"
January 1985
In a Nutshell
Han, Lando & Chewbacca return to Chewbacca's homeworld of Kashyyyk!
Script & Plot: Jo Duffy
Penciler: Tony Salmons
Finisher: Tom Palmer
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Letterer: Ken Bruzenak
Editor: Ann Nocenti
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Han, Lando & Chewbacca arrive on Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld. As they make their way to Chewbacca's home, they're confronted by a pale figure who says the Wookiees have dubbed him "Knife", and has made friends with Chewbacca's brother-in-law, Vargi. Knife & Vargi accompany the group to Chewbacca's home for drinks, only to find it empty. Chewbacca is worried, but Han & Lando suggest his family is merely out shopping, since Chewbacca had wanted to surprise them and thus they had no way of knowing he'd be home. However, when Chewbacca's son Lumpy comes home accompanied by three Wookiee thugs, Knife reveals he's holding Chewbacca's family hostage, and that he hopes to restart the slave trade on Kashyyyk. Leaving the captive Han & Lando behind, Knife parades Chewbacca down to the spaceport, hoping to break the spirit of those resistant to his slave trade. However, Han & Lando escape, and Han is able to release Chewbacca, only to be savagely beaten by Vargi. Chewbacca intervenes, but holds back, fearing for his family, until Lando arrives, having released Chewbacca's family. Unrestrained, Chewbacca defeats Vargi, inspiring an uprising against Knife's collaborators. Knife, however, manages to escape, but Han vows to track him down for a rematch as soon as possible.
January 1985
In a Nutshell
Han, Lando & Chewbacca return to Chewbacca's homeworld of Kashyyyk!
Script & Plot: Jo Duffy
Penciler: Tony Salmons
Finisher: Tom Palmer
Colorist: Glynis Wein
Letterer: Ken Bruzenak
Editor: Ann Nocenti
Editor-in-Chief: Jim Shooter
Han, Lando & Chewbacca arrive on Kashyyyk, the Wookiee homeworld. As they make their way to Chewbacca's home, they're confronted by a pale figure who says the Wookiees have dubbed him "Knife", and has made friends with Chewbacca's brother-in-law, Vargi. Knife & Vargi accompany the group to Chewbacca's home for drinks, only to find it empty. Chewbacca is worried, but Han & Lando suggest his family is merely out shopping, since Chewbacca had wanted to surprise them and thus they had no way of knowing he'd be home. However, when Chewbacca's son Lumpy comes home accompanied by three Wookiee thugs, Knife reveals he's holding Chewbacca's family hostage, and that he hopes to restart the slave trade on Kashyyyk. Leaving the captive Han & Lando behind, Knife parades Chewbacca down to the spaceport, hoping to break the spirit of those resistant to his slave trade. However, Han & Lando escape, and Han is able to release Chewbacca, only to be savagely beaten by Vargi. Chewbacca intervenes, but holds back, fearing for his family, until Lando arrives, having released Chewbacca's family. Unrestrained, Chewbacca defeats Vargi, inspiring an uprising against Knife's collaborators. Knife, however, manages to escape, but Han vows to track him down for a rematch as soon as possible.
Friday, April 19, 2019
X-amining Excalibur #86
"Back to Life"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Pete Wisdom debuts as Excalibur heads to Genosha.
Writer; Warren Ellis
Pencil Artist: Ken Lashley
Ink Artist: Tom Wegrzyn
Letterer: J. Babcock
Colorist: J. Rosas
Editor: Suzanne Gaffney
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
In Thailand, in the wake of a disastrous mission, British Intelligence operative Pete Wisdom decides to quit. Later, on Muir Island, Brian Braddock finishes work upgrading Moira's hovercraft to serve as Excalibur's chief mode of transport, which he dubs the Midnight Runner. Just then, agents of British Intelligence's Black Air organization arrive, along with Pete Wisdom, and enlist Excalibur's help in going to Genosha alongside Wisdom to help settle the war still raging between the humans and mutates. Despite feeling like they're being played, Excalibur agrees to go. As they arrive in Genoshan airspace, Kitty questions Wisdom, and he reveals that conditions in Genosha are far worse than they believed, with both sides of the conflict suffering massive starvation. Just then, rockets pepper the Midnight Runner, sending it crashing to the ground as all of reality crystallizes, then shatters.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Pete Wisdom debuts as Excalibur heads to Genosha.
Writer; Warren Ellis
Pencil Artist: Ken Lashley
Ink Artist: Tom Wegrzyn
Letterer: J. Babcock
Colorist: J. Rosas
Editor: Suzanne Gaffney
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
In Thailand, in the wake of a disastrous mission, British Intelligence operative Pete Wisdom decides to quit. Later, on Muir Island, Brian Braddock finishes work upgrading Moira's hovercraft to serve as Excalibur's chief mode of transport, which he dubs the Midnight Runner. Just then, agents of British Intelligence's Black Air organization arrive, along with Pete Wisdom, and enlist Excalibur's help in going to Genosha alongside Wisdom to help settle the war still raging between the humans and mutates. Despite feeling like they're being played, Excalibur agrees to go. As they arrive in Genoshan airspace, Kitty questions Wisdom, and he reveals that conditions in Genosha are far worse than they believed, with both sides of the conflict suffering massive starvation. Just then, rockets pepper the Midnight Runner, sending it crashing to the ground as all of reality crystallizes, then shatters.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
X-amining X-Force #43
"Teapot in a Tempest"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Reignfire is revealed to be Sunspot as reality ends.
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciler: Tony Daniel
Inker: Kevin Conrad
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Colorist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Bob Harras
With Cable occupied in Israel, Cannonball decides to combine Cerebro with Cable's time displacement core in an attempt to locate the missing Sunspot. Much to his surprise, it works, pinpointing Sunspot on an island in the North Atlantic. Meanwhile, in Greenwich Village, Rictor & Shatterstar go clubbing, while Boomer tries to help a troubled teenage girl get off the streets. Back at X-Force's base, Cannonball contacts Cable, but he's unable to return with X-Force's vehicle. Just then, Locus appears, having been abandoned by Sunspot and shocked to learn she's been gone six months. When she learns that X-Force has located Sunspot on Earth, she agrees to take them to him. They stop along the way to pickup Boomer, Shatterstar & Rictor, then arrive at the Mutant Liberation Front's base in the North Atlantic, in the middle of a pitched battle, just after Reignfire has attacked Moonstar. Cannonball demands to know where Sunspot is, and Reignfire responds by removing his mask and declaring that he is and has always been Sunspot. Just then, reality begins to crystallize, and Cannonball realizes it is what Cable & and the X-Men were trying to stop, as everything turns to crystal, then shatters.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Reignfire is revealed to be Sunspot as reality ends.
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Penciler: Tony Daniel
Inker: Kevin Conrad
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Colorist: Mike Thomas
Editor: Bob Harras
With Cable occupied in Israel, Cannonball decides to combine Cerebro with Cable's time displacement core in an attempt to locate the missing Sunspot. Much to his surprise, it works, pinpointing Sunspot on an island in the North Atlantic. Meanwhile, in Greenwich Village, Rictor & Shatterstar go clubbing, while Boomer tries to help a troubled teenage girl get off the streets. Back at X-Force's base, Cannonball contacts Cable, but he's unable to return with X-Force's vehicle. Just then, Locus appears, having been abandoned by Sunspot and shocked to learn she's been gone six months. When she learns that X-Force has located Sunspot on Earth, she agrees to take them to him. They stop along the way to pickup Boomer, Shatterstar & Rictor, then arrive at the Mutant Liberation Front's base in the North Atlantic, in the middle of a pitched battle, just after Reignfire has attacked Moonstar. Cannonball demands to know where Sunspot is, and Reignfire responds by removing his mask and declaring that he is and has always been Sunspot. Just then, reality begins to crystallize, and Cannonball realizes it is what Cable & and the X-Men were trying to stop, as everything turns to crystal, then shatters.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
X-amining X-Men (vol. 2) #41
"Dreams Die!"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Legion accidentally kills Xavier in the past, ending reality.
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Pencilers: Andy Kubert & Matt Ryan
Inker/Finishes: Matt Ryan
Letterers: Oakley & NJQ
Colorists: Kevin Somers/Digital Chameleon
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
As Legion attacks Magneto twenty years in the past, the X-Men who followed him to that time attempt to stop him. In the present, Lilandra contacts Professor X, telling him a crystallization wave launched by the M'Kraan crystal is destroying worlds, and it's heading towards Earth. In the past, the battle between Legion, Magneto and the X-Men draws the attention of Apocalypse, who decides it's time for the order of ascension to begin, in which only the fittest will survive. In Haifa, Iceman uses his power to freeze all the water in Legion's body, seemingly stopping his attack. But Legion restores himself and, having overpowered Magneto, prepares to strike a killing blow. Just then, Xavier throws himself between Legion & Magneto, taking the strike intended for Magneto, killing himself in the process. Having slain his own father, Legion blinks out of existence, and the X-Men disappear as well, save for Bishop, who is left behind, his mind damaged by the energy that ripped away Legion & the X-Men. In the present, the crystallization wave reaches Earth, and as it approaches the X-Men, Rogue reaches out and kisses Gambit, just as all of reality transforms into crystal, then shatters.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Legion accidentally kills Xavier in the past, ending reality.
Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Pencilers: Andy Kubert & Matt Ryan
Inker/Finishes: Matt Ryan
Letterers: Oakley & NJQ
Colorists: Kevin Somers/Digital Chameleon
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
As Legion attacks Magneto twenty years in the past, the X-Men who followed him to that time attempt to stop him. In the present, Lilandra contacts Professor X, telling him a crystallization wave launched by the M'Kraan crystal is destroying worlds, and it's heading towards Earth. In the past, the battle between Legion, Magneto and the X-Men draws the attention of Apocalypse, who decides it's time for the order of ascension to begin, in which only the fittest will survive. In Haifa, Iceman uses his power to freeze all the water in Legion's body, seemingly stopping his attack. But Legion restores himself and, having overpowered Magneto, prepares to strike a killing blow. Just then, Xavier throws himself between Legion & Magneto, taking the strike intended for Magneto, killing himself in the process. Having slain his own father, Legion blinks out of existence, and the X-Men disappear as well, save for Bishop, who is left behind, his mind damaged by the energy that ripped away Legion & the X-Men. In the present, the crystallization wave reaches Earth, and as it approaches the X-Men, Rogue reaches out and kisses Gambit, just as all of reality transforms into crystal, then shatters.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
X-amining X-Men 2099 #15 - Patreon First!

December 1994
In a Nutshell
Glitterspike & Rosa face the Shadow Dancer
Writer: John Moore
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Harry Candelario
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Colorist: Tom Smith
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
As Metalhead regains consciousness, Glitterspike flies over the desert with Rosa, who manages to damage his anti-grav unit, sending them both crashing to the ground and knocking them out. Metalhead, Mama Hurricane & Louise Wingfoot race into the desert in search of Rosa. Meanwhile, Rosa & Glitterspike wake up in a cave, brought there by the Shadow Dancer. As Glitterspike picks a fight with the creature, Rosa sneaks away. At Zhao's compound, Fitz convinces Cerebra to stay with the team under his leadership, while Krystalin learns that her father has died. In the desert, Metalhead, Mama Hurricane & Louise find Rosa inside the cave, and the group discovers a crashed space ship, realizing the Shadow Dancer is a stranded alien. Just then, the Shadow Dancer appears, but rightly senses the group means it no harm. Glitterspike, however, comes out of the shadows and attacks the Shadow Dancer again, but Metalhead intervenes, forcing Glitterspike to drain his reserves of light energy, then knocking him out. Later, the group emerges from the cave, with Louise declaring that Rosa's baby will be fine, while a powerless Glitterspike wakes up inside the cave to find himself face to face with the Shadow Dancer.
What to read the rest before everyone else? Become a patron via Patreon!
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Force in Focus - The Rise of Skywalker Teaser
After what seemed like a really long time to go without either a teaser or a title for Episode IX, both were finally revealed this last Friday at Star Wars Celebration. Here then are a few of the things from that teaser trailer which caught my eye/sparked my interest.
Phantom Menace Parallels
Billed as the last chapter in a nine part saga, and with this trailer released just a few weeks ahead of the twentieth anniversary of the release of the first chapter in that saga, I love the way the early moments of the trailer echo the early moments of the Phantom Menace trailer, from the "every generation has a legend" title card, to the cut of a vehicle racing across a desert landscape, to the way the vehicle is moving left to right in Phantom but right to left in this one, thereby completing the loop.
Friday, April 12, 2019
X-amining Wolverine #90
"The Dying Game"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Returned to the X-Mansion, Wolverine fights Sabretooth.
Script: Larry Hama
Pencils: Adam Kubert
Inks: Mark Farmer & Dan Green
Lettering: Pat Brosseau
Coloring: Marie Javins
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Back at the X-Mansion, Wolverine confronts the captive Sabretooth, who attempts to push through the force field entrance to his cell to attack him. But the pain of the field forces him back. Wolverine proceeds to do his best to go about his business, ignoring Sabretooth, but something doesn't sit right with him. Hearing news reports about serial killer Linus Dorfmann, Wolverine realizes that Sabretooth is slowly building up his pain tolerance in order to breach the field. He rushes to Sabretooth's cell and arrives just as Creed forces himself through the force field. A vicious brawl ensues between the two, but Wolverine holds back, not using his claws, until Sabretooth threatens to hunt down and kill every woman Wolverine has ever loved, starting with Jean Grey and ending with Jubilee. With that, Wolverine loses control, pinning Sabretooth down with one claw on either side of his head. As Sabretooth taunts him further, Wolverine pops his third claw into Sabretooth's head, just as reality crystallizes around them.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
X-amining X-Factor #111
"Explosive Performance"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Strong Guy suffers a heart attack as reality crystallizes, then shatters.
Plot: John Francis Moore
Script: Todd DeZago
Pencils: Jan Duursema
Inks: Al Milgrom
Letters: Starkings/Comicraft
Colors: Glynis Wein
Editor: Kelly Corvese
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
The K'Lanti appear before Lila & X-Factor, demanding she return the Harmonium they entrusted to her for safekeeping. Lila agrees to return it to them, and they give her "about an hour" to do so, leaving a series of diamond-shaped bombs in the skies above Madripoor for motivation. Lila teleports herself, Strong Guy & Polaris to Cygnus Prime, a junk world where Jordik likely sold the Harmonium after he stole it from Lila. In Washington DC, Val Cooper is trying to track down X-Factor when she spots Madrox on the street, but he disappears into a crowd. On Cygnus Prime, Strong Guy fights a creature guarding the junk while Lila & Polaris search for the Harmonium. In the process, he absorbs a dangerous amount of kinetic energy. On Earth, Forge, Havok & Wolfsbane work to defuse the K'Lanti's bombs. Just then, Lila, Strong Guy & Polaris return with the Harmonium, but as the K'Lanti depart, they leave Lila with one of the bombs. When it explodes, Strong Guy takes the brunt of the blast, absorbing the energy, which proves to be too much for his heart. He collapses, and as Lila tries desperately to revive him, all of reality crystallizes, then shatters.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Strong Guy suffers a heart attack as reality crystallizes, then shatters.
Plot: John Francis Moore
Script: Todd DeZago
Pencils: Jan Duursema
Inks: Al Milgrom
Letters: Starkings/Comicraft
Colors: Glynis Wein
Editor: Kelly Corvese
Group Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
The K'Lanti appear before Lila & X-Factor, demanding she return the Harmonium they entrusted to her for safekeeping. Lila agrees to return it to them, and they give her "about an hour" to do so, leaving a series of diamond-shaped bombs in the skies above Madripoor for motivation. Lila teleports herself, Strong Guy & Polaris to Cygnus Prime, a junk world where Jordik likely sold the Harmonium after he stole it from Lila. In Washington DC, Val Cooper is trying to track down X-Factor when she spots Madrox on the street, but he disappears into a crowd. On Cygnus Prime, Strong Guy fights a creature guarding the junk while Lila & Polaris search for the Harmonium. In the process, he absorbs a dangerous amount of kinetic energy. On Earth, Forge, Havok & Wolfsbane work to defuse the K'Lanti's bombs. Just then, Lila, Strong Guy & Polaris return with the Harmonium, but as the K'Lanti depart, they leave Lila with one of the bombs. When it explodes, Strong Guy takes the brunt of the blast, absorbing the energy, which proves to be too much for his heart. He collapses, and as Lila tries desperately to revive him, all of reality crystallizes, then shatters.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
X-amining Uncanny X-Men #321
"Auld Lang Syne"
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Cable attempts to contact the time-lost X-Men as Legion puts his plan into action.
Plot: Scott Lobdell
Dialogue: Mark Waid
Penciler: Ron Garney
Inkers: Townsend, Green & Rubinstein
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos
Colors: Steve Buccellato
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Twenty years ago in Haifa, Xavier & Magneto fight side-by-side in a bar brawl, in defense of a disabled veteran being harassed by the patrons. In the present, Xavier, Cable & Phoenix work together, assisted by Shi'ar technology, to send Cable's mind into the past, in order to contact the X-Men stranded there and warn them of Legion's intentions to alter the future and the threat that poses to reality. In the past, those X-Men continue to struggle with not knowing their reason for being in the past, hoping it will become clear soon. Elsewhere, Legion visits his mother Gaby, appearing before her as Xavier, an act that Xavier telepathically senses, realizing Gaby is in danger. As he and Magneto rush to her, Cable arrives in the past, and manages to restore the X-Men's memories. Meanwhile, Xavier & Magneto arrive at the hospital to find a distraught Gaby, at which point Legion emerges, declaring that, in his time, Magneto will become the greatest villain the world will ever know, and for that, he must now die.
February 1995
In a Nutshell
Cable attempts to contact the time-lost X-Men as Legion puts his plan into action.
Plot: Scott Lobdell
Dialogue: Mark Waid
Penciler: Ron Garney
Inkers: Townsend, Green & Rubinstein
Letters: Chris Eliopoulos
Colors: Steve Buccellato
Editor: Bob Harras
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
Twenty years ago in Haifa, Xavier & Magneto fight side-by-side in a bar brawl, in defense of a disabled veteran being harassed by the patrons. In the present, Xavier, Cable & Phoenix work together, assisted by Shi'ar technology, to send Cable's mind into the past, in order to contact the X-Men stranded there and warn them of Legion's intentions to alter the future and the threat that poses to reality. In the past, those X-Men continue to struggle with not knowing their reason for being in the past, hoping it will become clear soon. Elsewhere, Legion visits his mother Gaby, appearing before her as Xavier, an act that Xavier telepathically senses, realizing Gaby is in danger. As he and Magneto rush to her, Cable arrives in the past, and manages to restore the X-Men's memories. Meanwhile, Xavier & Magneto arrive at the hospital to find a distraught Gaby, at which point Legion emerges, declaring that, in his time, Magneto will become the greatest villain the world will ever know, and for that, he must now die.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
X-amining X-Men 2099 #14 - Patreon First!

November 1994
In a Nutshell
As the Freakshow settles in to a new town, they're attacked by Glitterspike.
Writer: John Moore
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Harry Candelario
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Colorist: Tom Smith
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Chief: Tom DeFalco
In California, a woman is killed by an assassin with light-based powers named Alexi. Meanwhile, Fitz and Luna reunite with the remaining X-Men. Meanstreak is less than pleased to see Luna, but Fitz says they have bigger things to worry about, revealing Xi'an's defection to the Theater of Pain and his intentions to take the group down. Elsewhere, the Freakshow arrives at the home of the Keewazi Nation, where they are welcomed by Louise Wingfoot, an old friend of Mama Hurricane's. Later, Rosa receives a check-up, learning she'll be having a boy, while the assassin - code-named Glitterspike - is given the location of a woman he's trying to track down as payment for his last job. Back in the Keewazi Nation, Dominic runs into the Shadow Dancer, a quasi-legendary creature that lives in the hills surrounding the town, whom Louise says is only supposed to be appear when trouble is near. Just then, Glitterspike flies into town, revealing himself to be Rosa's abusive ex-husband. Metalhead attacks him, but is bested, at which point Glitterspike declares that as he's the father of Rosa's baby, from now on he'll be taking care of both of them.
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Saturday, April 6, 2019
Force in Focus: Star Wars #90
"The Choice!"
December 1984
In a Nutshell
Tensions simmer as Luke, Kiro & Rik Duel's gang return to Endor.
Script/Plot: Jo Duffy
Breakdowns: Bob McLeod
Finishes: Tom Palmer
Coloring: Bob Sharen
Lettering: Rick Parker
Editing: Ann Nocenti
Chief: J. Shooter
Princess Leia & Mon Mothma return to Endor from their mission to Herdessa just as Luke & Plif return alongside Rik Duel's gang and an injured Kiro. As Kiro is rushed to medical attention, Mon Mothma briefs Admiral Ackbar on the resurgent Imperial activity she & Leia encountered on Herdessa. Later, Luke & Leia discuss Leia's struggle to reconcile her roles as warrior & diplomat, as well as their father, deciding to keep their relationship to Darth Vader a secret for awhile longer. They then visit a recovering Kiro, and when Luke & Kiro deduce that Kiro tapped into the Force to help save the galaxy, he asks Luke to train him as a Jedi. Luke refuses, angering Kiro. Meanwhile, Mon Mothma & Ackbar host the first meeting of a galactic parliament, where it is agreed that anyone not present forfeits their right to vote. Elsewhere, a fight breaks out between some Rebel soldiers and Rik Duel's gang when Rik is accused of cheating at cards, which leads to Chihido being shot. Luke intervenes and puts a stop to the fight, but Rik insists on vengeance, until Kiro talks him down, having realized the importance of patience and listening to one another. Leia believes it is the action, more than words, which taught Kiro this lesson, while elsewhere, Mon Mothma & Ackbar lament the parliament's decision to forfeit, due to their absence, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca and Lando's rights to help the Alliance govern moving forward.
December 1984
In a Nutshell
Tensions simmer as Luke, Kiro & Rik Duel's gang return to Endor.
Script/Plot: Jo Duffy
Breakdowns: Bob McLeod
Finishes: Tom Palmer
Coloring: Bob Sharen
Lettering: Rick Parker
Editing: Ann Nocenti
Chief: J. Shooter
Princess Leia & Mon Mothma return to Endor from their mission to Herdessa just as Luke & Plif return alongside Rik Duel's gang and an injured Kiro. As Kiro is rushed to medical attention, Mon Mothma briefs Admiral Ackbar on the resurgent Imperial activity she & Leia encountered on Herdessa. Later, Luke & Leia discuss Leia's struggle to reconcile her roles as warrior & diplomat, as well as their father, deciding to keep their relationship to Darth Vader a secret for awhile longer. They then visit a recovering Kiro, and when Luke & Kiro deduce that Kiro tapped into the Force to help save the galaxy, he asks Luke to train him as a Jedi. Luke refuses, angering Kiro. Meanwhile, Mon Mothma & Ackbar host the first meeting of a galactic parliament, where it is agreed that anyone not present forfeits their right to vote. Elsewhere, a fight breaks out between some Rebel soldiers and Rik Duel's gang when Rik is accused of cheating at cards, which leads to Chihido being shot. Luke intervenes and puts a stop to the fight, but Rik insists on vengeance, until Kiro talks him down, having realized the importance of patience and listening to one another. Leia believes it is the action, more than words, which taught Kiro this lesson, while elsewhere, Mon Mothma & Ackbar lament the parliament's decision to forfeit, due to their absence, Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca and Lando's rights to help the Alliance govern moving forward.
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
X-amining Ghost Rider/Punisher/Wolverine: The Dark Design
"The Dark Design"
In a Nutshell
Wolverine, Ghost Rider & Punisher return to Christ's Crown to defend Lucy Crumm from Blackheart.
Writer: Howard Mackie
Penciler: Ron Garney
Inker:Al Milgrom
Letterers: Richard Starkings/Comicraft
Colorist: Paul Mounts
Editor: Bobbie Chase
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
In the town of Christ's Crown, Ghost Rider attempts to save Lucy Crumm from the Corrupt, servants of Blackheart. He succeeds, but is infected by one of the Corrupt in the process, forcing him to transform back into Dan Ketch. Meanwhile, Punisher & Wolverine, telepathically drawn to the town by Lucy, meet up, then proceed to rendezvous with Dan, Lucy, and Lucy's group of rebels. When Wolverine & Punisher learn Blackheart has returned, they agree to help the rebels defeat him, but just then, the Corrupt attack, drawn to the location by Ghost Rider's infection, and capture Dan & Lucy. When Punisher & Wolverine lead the rebels to rescue them, Punisher & Wolverine are captured as well, and Blackheart torments them with images of their own personal hells. But all three heroes manage to throw off the illusions, and together, they are able to defeat Blackheart. Lucy forgives him, then leaves with Ghost Rider, Punisher & Wolverine, after which Mephisto appears before his son. He offers to join forces with Blackheart, but Blackheart refuses, instead killing Mephisto with a blade poisoned by the blood of Lucy, an innocent child, and takes his place as the new ruler of Hell.
In a Nutshell
Wolverine, Ghost Rider & Punisher return to Christ's Crown to defend Lucy Crumm from Blackheart.
Writer: Howard Mackie
Penciler: Ron Garney
Inker:Al Milgrom
Letterers: Richard Starkings/Comicraft
Colorist: Paul Mounts
Editor: Bobbie Chase
Editor-in-Chief: Tom DeFalco
In the town of Christ's Crown, Ghost Rider attempts to save Lucy Crumm from the Corrupt, servants of Blackheart. He succeeds, but is infected by one of the Corrupt in the process, forcing him to transform back into Dan Ketch. Meanwhile, Punisher & Wolverine, telepathically drawn to the town by Lucy, meet up, then proceed to rendezvous with Dan, Lucy, and Lucy's group of rebels. When Wolverine & Punisher learn Blackheart has returned, they agree to help the rebels defeat him, but just then, the Corrupt attack, drawn to the location by Ghost Rider's infection, and capture Dan & Lucy. When Punisher & Wolverine lead the rebels to rescue them, Punisher & Wolverine are captured as well, and Blackheart torments them with images of their own personal hells. But all three heroes manage to throw off the illusions, and together, they are able to defeat Blackheart. Lucy forgives him, then leaves with Ghost Rider, Punisher & Wolverine, after which Mephisto appears before his son. He offers to join forces with Blackheart, but Blackheart refuses, instead killing Mephisto with a blade poisoned by the blood of Lucy, an innocent child, and takes his place as the new ruler of Hell.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
X-amining X-Men 2099 #13 - Patreon First!
"Dead End"
October 1994
In a Nutshell
Xi'an joins the Theater of Pain
Writer: John Moore
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Harry Candelario
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Colorist: Tom Smith
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Big Daddy: Tom DeFalco
Brimstone Love enters the Garage, easily bypassing the Driver's security. He watches as the Driver begins the process of digitizing Junkpile, then emerges from the shadows to offer Xi'an a place with the Theater of Pain. When the Driver attacks Brimstone, he knocks him aside, which disables the power, freeing Junkpile, Xi'an, Fitz, & Luna. Junkpile immediately attacks the Driver, who uses his car to defend himself, injuring Junkpile. As a result, Junkpile's mutant power starts pulling all the metal in the room towards him in order to heal him, damaging the Garage in the process & destroying the Driver's cache of digitized mutants. Devastated, the Driver drives off, as Fitz blasts Brimstone Love to prevent him from reclaiming Luna. Meanwhile, Xi'an heals Junkpile, then interrupts Fitz's battle to tell Brimstone Love he's decided to join the Theater. Brimstone Love gives Luna a reprieve for the time being in thanks for leading him to Xi'an, then the pair teleport away, leaving Fitz to declare that he's going back to find the rest of the X-Men, at which point they'll take down the Theater of Pain once and for all.
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October 1994
In a Nutshell
Xi'an joins the Theater of Pain
Writer: John Moore
Penciler: Ron Lim
Inker: Harry Candelario
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Colorist: Tom Smith
Editor: Joey Cavalieri
Big Daddy: Tom DeFalco
Brimstone Love enters the Garage, easily bypassing the Driver's security. He watches as the Driver begins the process of digitizing Junkpile, then emerges from the shadows to offer Xi'an a place with the Theater of Pain. When the Driver attacks Brimstone, he knocks him aside, which disables the power, freeing Junkpile, Xi'an, Fitz, & Luna. Junkpile immediately attacks the Driver, who uses his car to defend himself, injuring Junkpile. As a result, Junkpile's mutant power starts pulling all the metal in the room towards him in order to heal him, damaging the Garage in the process & destroying the Driver's cache of digitized mutants. Devastated, the Driver drives off, as Fitz blasts Brimstone Love to prevent him from reclaiming Luna. Meanwhile, Xi'an heals Junkpile, then interrupts Fitz's battle to tell Brimstone Love he's decided to join the Theater. Brimstone Love gives Luna a reprieve for the time being in thanks for leading him to Xi'an, then the pair teleport away, leaving Fitz to declare that he's going back to find the rest of the X-Men, at which point they'll take down the Theater of Pain once and for all.
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