The Uncanny X-Cast
I'm not much of podcast listener (aside from the Fantasy Focus baseball podcast and the lie-filled Lost podcasts with the producers back in the day) but I stumbled across Rob and Brian's X-Men podcast this last year and have been slowly catching up on their old episodes while following along with the new ones. It features great discussions of X-Men issues old and new as well as hilarious comic and non-comic related bullshit. Download it on iTunes or check out their website.
Star Wars on Blu-ray
I've geeked out about the deleted scenes already, but two months out and I'm still having fun with this set. The movies look and sound great (Mrs. Teebore and I recently watched Jedi) and I just learned the animated sequence from the infamous holiday special which introduced Boba Fett is on one of the discs as an Easter egg.
Lonely Island's "Jack Sparrow" (featuring Michael Bolton)
Every Episode of Full House Reviewed
I'm kinda surprised we haven't mentioned it before, considering Dr. Bitz and I are both huge fans of this blog, but this hilarious episode-by-episode review of the awfulness that is Full House is pretty much my first online stop every Friday morning. Remember when Stephanie drove Joey's car into the kitchen? Or the Very Special Episode in which DJ was starting herself? Or when Urkel stopped by the full house? It's all here. Seriously, if you're not reading this blog, you're missing out on some excellent hilarity. Check it out.
Pumpkin Pie Blizzard
I get why Dairy Queen doesn't offer this year round, but how about through December (or at least November), instead of just October?
My latest online obsession, flickchart lets you create a ranked list of all the movies you've seen by tossing up two movies at a time and asking you to pick which one you like better. It's ridiculously addicting, and in a matter of weeks, I have a ranked list of over 900 movies I've seen with over 4,800 rankings (you can even create sub-lists, ranking all the Star Trek or Harry Potter or Best Picture winning movies). Plus, you can view other friends lists/rankings, so come find me (under Teebore, natch).
But be warned: it's hella addicting.
Cheap Trades
I'll never entirely make the switch to trades, as the kids say, (I'll always be buying an X-Men comic...) but over the last year I have started following a lot more series via trade than I ever have before. Thanks to places like Half Price Books, Amazon Marketplace and I've been able to follow stuff like Invincible Iron Man, X-Force and Batman & Robin, as well as a lot of Marvel and DC's ancillary event stuff, for little more than seven or eight bucks a book, which is significantly cheaper than what I'd fork over for the individual issues collected in each volume. Plus, reading them in one sitting, I find I enjoy the stories more than I probably would have reading them in monthly installments.
That episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender where Aang teaches a bunch of Fire Nation kids the transformative power of dance, a la Footloose.
Frank Langella as Skeletor in Masters of the Universe.
This mock iPhone commercial:
And on a more serious note, I'm thankful for all the readers and commenters of this blog. Over the last year or so especially our group of regular commenters has grown developed into a great little group, and we've had some wonderful discussions along the way. And judging by the hit counter, there's a fair number of you out there reading (or at least opening the page...) who never comment, and you're appreciated too. Knowing there's people out there reading and enjoying it makes writing this stuff a lot more fun. So thanks you!
that iphone commercial (which i hadn't seen) was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteand thanks to you i now have Jack Sparrow in my head- and i didn't even watch the clip!
some of that stuff you mentioned sound awesome, but i sure as hell don't need more of an addictive excuse to be online
the Avatar ep comment cracked me up! that whole season is just the best
man, now i'm super excited for the new avatar stuff. Soon. Soon.
ReplyDeleteAlso that flickchart thing sounds awesome. I may have to check it out.
Finally, i'm pretty sure you or Dr. Bitz have mentioend the full house rewatch before because i've definitely heard about it.
I tried the pumpkin pie blizzard for the first time this year. It was lumping delish.
Speaking of cheap trades you might want to add to your list of places to check out. It's one of those daily deal sites that deals in TPBs, hardcovers, action figures and other geeky things. They run several specials at once so there is quite a bit to choose from. The TPBs aren't a whole lot cheaper than Amazon once you figure in shipping but the hardcovers are usually a good deal. Worth checking out at least. This weekend they have a bunch of 90s stuff like X-force, Spawn and Astro City.
ReplyDelete@Anne: thanks to you i now have Jack Sparrow in my head- and i didn't even watch the clip!
ReplyDeleteThe line that's always running through my head is "a mystical quest/to the isle of Tortuga".
but i sure as hell don't need more of an addictive excuse to be online
It's totally worth adding the Full House Reviewed blog to your list. You won't be sorry.
@Sarah:i'm super excited for the new avatar stuff. Soon. Soon.
Do you know when? How soon is soon? I haven't heard anything specific.
i'm pretty sure you or Dr. Bitz have mentioend the full house rewatch before because i've definitely heard about it.
I know one of us put it on the blog roll. Maybe we mentioned it in another post. It also exploded over this last week, getting mentioned on Huffington Post and reddit and stuff like that, so maybe you heard about it somewhere else.
It was lumping delish.
Hell yeah it is.
@Phantomas: you might want to add to your list of places to check out.
Cool, thanks!
(I just took a look, and I had no idea how much of the early Liefeld X-Force stuff was collected, in hardcovers, no less).
In Stock trades is another site I check out sometimes (they're one of the Uncanny X-Cast's sponsors) but aside from their occasional specials, they rarely beat Amazon Marketplace.
But thwipster looks promising.
came back to read the new comments and now have Jack Sparrow AGAIN in my head
ReplyDeleteFlickchart. All. Day. Long. Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteWell original news sources said the new Avatar (legend of Kora or tevs) was supposed to air in 2011, but i don't think anything official has been released recently.
ReplyDeleteOT - have you seen this? Cracked me up
@MOCK!:Flickchart. All. Day. Long. Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteHaha! You're welcome. It's amazingly addictive, isn't it?
@Sarah: Well original news sources said the new Avatar (legend of Kora or tevs) was supposed to air in 2011
Okay, that was the last I'd heard as well, so at least I'm not missing anything.
OT - have you seen this? Cracked me up
I hadn't, but I loved it. Especially Blob's "ha, called it" comment, and the crack about Hawkeye.
I mentioned it to two co-workers at In Service today...they made fun at first. Met up with them later and their "on your own" part of the day was spent on flickchart!
ReplyDeleteSarah — My favorite thing on that Quicksilver page was this, under "Previous Status Updates":
Doctor Doom CURSE YOU
RICHAAA... See More
I'm a fan of the understated. 8^)
ReplyDeleteAnne: i now have Jack Sparrow in my head- and i didn't even watch the clip!
Teebore: Remember when Stephanie drove Joey's car into the kitchen? Or the Very Special Episode in which DJ was starting herself? Or when Urkel stopped by the full house?
No. No. And... No (thank God). 8^)
I'm afraid to try Flickchart, but I'll let you know if I do.
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend Things from Another World ( for discount HCs, TPBs, and even recent single issues. At least twice a year — summer and pre-Christmas (so, yeah, right now) — they run progressive sales on a wide variety of stock, and year-'round everything in their Nick & Dent department is at least 50% off. To date I've been disappointed in exactly one N&D item that I've ordered from them (or received as a gift), and that's only because before that any defect has been negligible if not practically invisible — usually in better condition than stuff that arrives from Amazon.
I'll try to remember to check out those places that you and Phantomas mentioned, though. Ordering from the Web and, before it folded, using coupons at Borders totally spoiled me from paying even close to full price for books, although to be fair I'd just be passing the books up rather than buying fewer books at higher prices.
And I do still occasionally get something in addition to single issues from my local comics shop, just because I appreciate it being there.
@MOCK!: Met up with them later and their "on your own" part of the day was spent on flickchart!
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome.
@Blam: Doctor Doom CURSE YOU
RICHAAA... See More
I completely missed that. Love it!
No. No. And... No (thank God).
You're a lucky man.
I highly recommend Things from Another World (
Cool, I'll check it out, thanks.
...totally spoiled me from paying even close to full price for books
I hear that. Having worked, in some capacity, for Barnes and Noble since I was sixteen, I can barely remember a time when I paid full price for a book of any kind.
I do still occasionally get something in addition to single issues from my local comics shop, just because I appreciate it being there.
Ditto. And not just when they're doing their yearly sale. :)